1- Players must adhere to the rules of the game.

2- EldadThe older you grow, the more you tend to adhere to fixed ideas.

3- However, a few European nations still adhere to the antiquated rule.

4- Citations will be given to those that do not adhere to this reminder.

5- 'We will continue to adhere strictly to those constitutions and bylaws.'

6- Marshall also advises people adhere to the old adage: pay yourself first.

7- While we adhere to our traditions, we modernize the image of the company.

8- A brand that doesn't adhere to the established conventions of the fashion category.

9- We didn't talk with anyone about our choice, or have any familial traditions to adhere to.

10- The real issue, Kerry says, is what Tehran will do now to adhere to this summer's nuclear pact.

11- And he will strictly adhere to the conditions set by the parole board and community corrections.

12- Others adhere to very strict ordination requirements.

13- All jurors must strictly adhere to local parking regulations.

14- Foreign learners may safely adhere to either standard.

15- Another 5% adhere to aboriginal beliefs.

16- It will adhere oily substances firmly and completely.

17- Administrators should adhere to the highest standards.

18- Most tents from top outdoor brands adhere to similar guidelines.

19- Most modern currencies adhere to this pattern.

20- Environmental laws establish minimum standards to which companies must adhere .

21- Dirt particles adhere less to the fibers.

22- You must adhere to a business style format.

23- Always adhere to the bus safety rules.

24- The project must adhere to zoning and building code requirements.

25- Ability to adhere to existing coding practices.

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