1- My email address will be as follows effective April .

2- EldadHe said that if he knew her address, he would write to her.

3- He always talks as though he were addressing a public meeting.

4- Most website addresses start with http: followed by two slashes.

5- The child has some violent tendencies that need to be addressed.

6- Could you have these flowers delivered to this address at 3:00 tomorrow?The Queen made an address to the nation on television yesterday.

7- A proper essay addresses its writing task in an effective manner.

8- I am going to inform the post office of the change of my address.

9- If I had known her address, I would have written to her.

10- minshiruiI ran across his telephone number in an old address book of mine.

11- My email address will be changed effective Aug.

12- as follows.

13- Moreover, for your safety, we advise use of a substitute email address.

14- The President will be addressing the nation this evening at six o'clock.

15- I couldn't find my nonvirtual address book until only a few minutes ago.

16- A text of the speech was made available to reporters at the end of his address.

17- In Internet website addresses, "http" stands for "hypertext transfer protocol.

18- "Please send reports of mistypings and mistranslations to the email address below.

19- Could I write down your name, address and phone number, for the insurance company?

20- He told me his address, but unfortunately I had no paper to write it down on.

21- EldadThis is to inform you of my address change.

22- Please update your mailing list.

23- I carelessly deleted your email address and had to ask Russell in New Zealand for it.

24- CNMason Cooley once observed, "Death is hacking away at my address book and party lists.

25- "All of the network computers beginning with the same IP address are on the same domain.

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