1- He is an adept climber.

2- He is adept in swimming.

3- He is adept at telling lies.

4- He's adept at jumping into profitable niches.

5- Wolf spiders don't spin webs, but are adept hunters with keen eyesight.

6- 103897 Being an adept camper I decided to use the lantern next to the mat.

7- Edwards was equally adept at preparing his team and generating a winning spirit.

8- They call for adept policymaking, but ideas to find solutions are not out of reach.

9- But mid-sized agencies are becoming adept at sourcing relevant expertise wherever it exists.

10- It is remarkable how adept Universal has been in finding gold in projects discarded elsewhere.

11- He was patient with the musicians; he was adept with the technology; above all, he was supportive.

12- She described the park as in a "fire-prone" area and said animals are adept at escaping wildfires.

13- Your " technically adept youngsters" is another problem altogether.

14- She is equally adept at writing memorable characters.

15- Students soon become adept in traditional classroom methods.

16- She is adept at elemental spirit summoning magic.

17- Champions represent especially powerful or adept warriors.

18- Often they were adept at forging denominational coalitions.

19- They are very adept at hiding their trails.

20- Becoming an adept interviewer is an invaluable skill.

21- I was very adept at expressing my thoughts.

22- They are adept at strategy and implementation.

23- Consumers have become highly adept at avoiding television advertisements.

24- This is especially concerning because many criminals are adept at manipulation.

25- She was adept at painting landscapes in oil.

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