1- He is adhesive to the cause.

2- Keeper said that back in the day, you'd apply the adhesive to the glass yourself.

3- 493405 Most of these components are held to the case with both screws and adhesive.

4- In addition advanced ceramic processing techniques arrays require adhesive assembly methods.

5- The adhesive used is wheat paste treated to inhibit mold growth.

6- The classic tape is a high adhesive .

7- The adhesive backing prevents microbial growth and contamination.

8- Stick down lifting seams with roofing felt adhesive .

9- It is applied using a special adhesive .

10- Daily change of adhesive tape for several weeks.

11- This constitutes a quantum leap in adhesive bonding.

12- The adhesive should be used within 6 months after opening.

13- Apply - mixed adhesive to surfaces and bring together.

14- Music is a great cultural adhesive that brings diverse communities together.

15- Center the image without pressing the adhesive .

16- The excess adhesive or mortar should be removed while still fresh.

17- This results in physical difference in adhesive forces among cells.

18- His first assignment entailed an adhesive tape manufacturing company.

19- Use fabric adhesive or sewing tape on cloth.

20- An adhesive resin is applied to the skin surface.

21- They are fixed in position with adhesive .

22- Use either a plastic tape or waterproof clear adhesive tape.

23- Some drag racing tires are adhesive for this reason.

24- Surgical grade adhesive is actually used to attach these extensions.

25- He became frustrated because every adhesive he tried produced unacceptable results.

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