1- Daily change of adhesive tape for several weeks.

2- His first assignment entailed an adhesive tape manufacturing company.

3- Use either a plastic tape or waterproof clear adhesive tape .

4- His body was strapped with leather and adhesive tape .

5- Good contact of electrodes was further secured with an adhesive tape .

6- Mask off both sides of a seam with adhesive tape .

7- adhesive tape is useful when making some paper joints .

8- The transfers will often come away with the adhesive tape .

9- The doctor fixed the drip to the bulkhead with adhesive tape .

10- Other mission-essential equipment were knives, rope, and adhesive tape .

11- Polyacrylates used in adhesive tapes are readily synthesized by free radical polymerization.

12- You need a measuring sick or tape, and some adhesive tape .

13- In addition he wore horn-rimmed glasses held in place with adhesive tape .

14- Many factors within the environment can affect the surface wear of adhesive tape .

15- The former was developed first, using adhesive tape to peel monolayers away.

16- The chemistry of adhesive tapes describes the chemical science associated with Pressure-sensitive tapes.

17- adhesive tape protects the bonding surfaces from grease contamination by the play dough.

18- This easy-to-use dressing with adhesive tape was invented by Earle Dickson in 1921.

19- Other types of very adhesive tape may work better, but none are foolproof.

20- Norris then gagged Hall with adhesive tape and bound her wrists and ankles.

21- The predominant factors affecting the bulk of the adhesive tape are temperature and mechanical wear.

22- The less adhesive tapes should be used especially when tape is applied to new work.

23- He pulled out an empty pasta box sealed at one end with industrial adhesive tape .

24- The man bound Hill's mother and son and taped their mouths with adhesive tape .

25- Installers typically use 3M type adhesive tape that does not harm the surface finish.

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