1- Where investigators find people who have voted twice, they find addled people.

2- It's best remembered as the spot where Jesse held his days-long, drug-addled ragers.

3- The addled partisanship of Twitter and the breathtaking, targeted reach of Facebook are one thing.

4- As I fought with my booze-addled brain, struggling to focus my eyes, I noticed her adam's apple .

5- The dial was temporarily addled by a solar disturbance.

6- Or maybe I am truly getting addled at my retirement age ?

7- And perhaps that was because his mind addled decades ago.

8- They are not reprobates or drug addled losers .

9- I simply dismissed it as confusion on behalf of the addled victims .

10- So much worse I've blotted it from my addled memory card.

11- No... maybe just a little addled from too much Alhambra sun.

12- God, those narrow-minded harpies have addled your brain.

13- It was designed by some addled Frenchman on 10,000 mikes of acid.

14- However, his addled dreams convince him that he must supplant Batman.

15- He accepted, asking only a cure for his addled mind in exchange.

16- Gerald's mind becomes addled after the death of his wife, Ellen.

17- There 's another factor at play in the addled minds of contrarian cranks.

18- More drivel from your addled mind.

19- Mrs Foster thankfully reached into the part of her brain that wasn't addled .

20- But as she administered to my addled wits I felt a surge of rebellion.

21- Ace becomes an addled mystic, losing new-found friends due to inattention and incompetence.

22- Thomas Edison's mind often wandered and his teacher was overheard calling him " addled .

23- Fellow writer Mihail Sebastian described Istrati as politically "illiterate" and " addled ".

24- Granted, being in love may have addled your brain, but Adam - friendly?

25- That fleeting, intense look had addled her brain as well as scrambled her insides.

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