1- GCC members have traditionally opposed accession of additional states.

2- More than one thousand additional publications are accessioned annually.

3- This cage supported the additional studio accessories .

4- The abridged accumulating will be attainable in 500 food civic additional online.

5- In the oblique, there are additional abbreviated forms.

6- Nonmembers pay an additional dollars.

7- The ship took on additional passengers.

8- They bargained additional rations of bread and milk.

9- You can get extra insurance coverage for an additional $5 a month.

10- You can get supplemental insurance coverage for an additional $5 a month.

11- We are instructing our sales staff to cut all prices by an additional 20%.

12- The company has issued additional shares in order to generate some capital.

13- Cancer cells can migrate throughout the body, and produce additional tumors.

14- You have to pay an additional $5 to cover the cost of mailing the goods to you.

15- Some additional issues for discussion have been appended to the original agenda.

16- The governor announced an additional levy on gasoline to pay for road maintenance.

17- The company director wants to allocate additional staff to the marketing department.

18- The boss offered me either a raise or additional vacation time, so I chose the latter.

19- A request for the allocation of additional funds has been sent to the Board of Directors.

20- If you want to use multimedia, your computer may require additional hardware and software.

21- My boss told me that additional funds for the project would be forthcoming within a few days.

22- The provincial government has announced additional cuts to the education budget for next year.

23- If you do not pay off your car within a year, you will have to pay an additional penalty of 5%.

24- The Prime Minister has promised to allocate additional funds for municipalities in the upcoming budget.

25- The union has negotiated a deal whereby we will get a slight increase in salary and additional benefits.

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