1- Schools found guilty of Clery violations can expect $100,000 fines, in addition to the amount they spend changing internal policies.

2- But some vegetables also have these same nutrients in addition to bone-building vitamin K, magnesium, potassium and prebiotic fiber.

3- One of the groups performing will be the Berryville Community Orchestra, in addition to dance groups, and other bands and musicians.

4- The company says on its website that in addition to salvage work, it carries out scientific investigation and documentation of sites.

5- Of course, this gives farmers in South Africa's rural areas an economic opportunity in addition to cleaning up the environment a bit.

6- Each of these characteristics allows sugar to perform a variety of functions in food products, in addition to providing a sweet taste."

7- The Charleston engineer said management is scrambling to find 300 to 400 contractors in addition to its pipeline of local direct hires.

8- All the photographers will publish their own book, in addition to their work being presented in the exhibition and in a joint catalogue.

9- And compensation is in addition to whatever you might eventually collect by complaining to the airline or from a travel insurance policy.

10- The company recently expanded into the Kansas City market and has 3 logistics facilities there in addition to 11 in the Minneapolis area.

11- He was finally nabbed by the NYPD in 2012 and charged with felony forgery and tampering with public records in addition to other charges.

12- This year, Turner experimented by running team-specific Final Four broadcasts on TNT and truTV in addition to the regular coverage on TBS.

13- Arsenault said Tignish Initiatives is working with the estate to decide exactly what will be on the site, in addition to the school house.

14- 237703 Gartner believes that in addition to SAST and DAST, new kinds of tests based on behavioral analysis are emerging for mobile devices.

15- So in addition to whatever numbers I am talking about right now, there will be an economic impact and is too early to assess that just yet."

16- The agency known as MUNI runs buses, light rail and street cars in addition to the cable cars, and serves about 700,000 passengers each day.

17- The 34-year-old man is now facing eight more charges, in addition to the four that were laid last week against him and his 27-year-old wife.

18- It told dealers that the cash must go to the customer "at the time of the transaction" and is in addition to any other offers or discounts."

19- Dr. Amin Bascharon is a hospital director and has over 35 years of experience in addition to being a licensed veterinarian in over 10 states.

20- And, in addition to voicing Archer, he provides the vocals for Bob Belcher, the central character on Fox's hit animated series Bob's Burgers.

21- Elizabeth Banks steps behind the camera as director in addition to returning to her role as enthusiastic commentator Gail Abernathy-McKadden.

22- This means that established Silicon Valley residents are getting wealthier, in addition to more high-income households moving into the region.

23- Nolan will serve two years of mandatory supervised release in addition to his nine-year sentence and must register as a sex offender for life.

24- It has warned riders that in addition to the 13 routes that cross the I-90 bridge, routes that use the 520 bridge and I-405 could face delays.

25- 123365 But in addition to asking who's to blame for Armstrong's remarks, the most recent gaffe raises the question of why he still has his job.

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