1- See the interviews adduced in note 100 supra.

2- He adduced many advantages for this plan.

3- The articles adduced against you were mostly proved to be true.

4- Various reasons have been adduced for the fall.

5- The second explanation Marcuse adduces is scarcely more plausible.

6- Could you adduce evidence that it was?

7- It is not difficult to adduce historical proof for this contention.

8- Evidence may be adduced to establish the existence of oral warranties.

9- On the following day he adduced against him forty written charges.

10- Two sources from the 1770s can be adduced .

11- Both the parties adduced oral evidence and marked certain documents as exhibits.

12- So let me adduce another example: Clarence Thomas.

13- Lengthy citation from both texts is adduced to support his reading.

14- Two Old Testament quotations are adduced in support of this argument.

15- Such were the arguments adduced by the partisans of the pope.

16- Evidence adduced at a twenty-three day trial revealed the following.

17- Two sets of empirical findings are adduced as evidence for this picture.

18- A hundred instances of great names recovered from myth could be adduced .

19- He nowhere adduces any proof of this that I can find.

20- In support of this Berti adduces the following argument.

21- Other parallels can be adduced and have been adduced.

22- Other parallels can be adduced and have been adduced .

23- But he also adduced good empirical grounds for this cartographic reasoning.

24- Archaeological evidence is sometimes adduced to support the existence of an urheimat.

25- The taxpayer had adduced no evidence that the notice was wider than necessary.

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