26- Our enemies adhere to no such standards .

27- They should adhere strongly and stay put for many throws .

28- Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country .

29- All such considerations must adhere to USDA regulations.

30- Casein glue is mainly used to adhere glass bottle labels.

31- Second, employment practice must adhere to regulation and law.

32- If something "holds," how does it adhere ?

33- Both are free to adhere to their own beliefs.

34- Ammann preached that Christians should adhere to strict guidelines, including not cutting their beards or wearing fashionable clothes.

35- There are 613 commandments that devout Jews must adhere to, says Szegedi, adding that he has managed to conform to 80 of them thus far.

36- While women in Turkey are free to pursue a legal divorce, Kilic says that women in her village adhere to strict cultural norms instead.

37- Israel will retaliate if the Palestinians move forward with applications to adhere to 15 international treaties, Netanyahu said on Sunday.

38- It said he needed to adhere to sheriff department policies, Yraceburn explained, "and that his driving endangered the people he was serving."

39- Hollywood used to have a set of numbers -- waist circumference, face shape, beard length -- that Santas were supposed to adhere to, Kliner said.

40- adhere to your own act, and congratulate yourself if you have done something strange and extravagant, and broken the monotony of a decorous age."

41- It's reasonable, Mr. Turk said, to require students who are training to be leaders within their religious communities to adhere to those beliefs.

42- The most successful and enduring movements for change adhere to the principles of non-aggression and nonviolence that King preached, Holder said.

43- 701235 The decision was apparently made to allow the students to take more high school classes and it's a plan the school system plans to adhere to.

44- Membership in USA Swimming, and particularly at the National Team level, includes a clear obligation to adhere to our code of conduct, said Wielgus.

45- 'We will continue to hold Chevron accountable when they fail to adhere to their permit requirements or comply with air quality regulations,' he said.

46- Trumann School District Superintendent Myra Graham said the construction of a new Baseball/Softball Complex is necessary to adhere to the Title 9 law.

47- Micah learns the hard way that not only can throwing boiling water end in a few burns but can also help adhere your clothing to your metal porch door.

48- Patients also usually adhere to a low-fat diet.

49- Cells adhere to a substrate through their integrins.

50- The picture has to adhere to a category that is chosen by Pitcher.

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