51- Gomula led to cases being compromised again and again.

52- Jesperson played the whole song through, again and again.

53- Hanks tried again and again, sometimes hitting three clubs a night.

54- But by reading them again and again finally I was able to grasp the essential part.

55- Bart's dream fades out to Lisa saying into Bart's ear "First prize" again and again.

56- But we were sadly betrayed by his lack of integrity and compromising ways again and again."

57- Hilda Geiringer took being passed over again and again by America's best rather gracefully.

58- Her usually keen judgment and her diplomatic tact again and again recalled Peter the Great.

59- Emancipation of the story In oral traditions, stories are kept alive by being re-told again and again.

60- Owing to the constant changes in organisation, the units battalions were "torn apart again and again".

61- But generally during elections time MES and Shivsena activities again and again raked the border issue.

62- She confronts and comments the situation again and again with the chorus of the song ' Keep on the Sunny Side '.

63- Hence in Sikh teaching, God is referred to again and again as Father, implying His love and care for all creation.

64- 'O my own, you have come to me!' My guru uttered the words again and again in Bengali, his voice tremulous with joy.

65- They don't start well, with Jones continually knocking the stumps out, forcing the Vicar to bang them in again and again.

66- He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.

67- Isaac Newton later discovered that comets move in elliptical, oval-shaped orbits around the Sun, and correctly predicted that they could return again and again.

68- You are able to input new and popular patterns to be stored at a later date for use again and again.

69- again and again the test met with no success.

70- Moments that you want to revel in again and again.

71- The dog pawed at the doorknob again and again.

72- But the heat and the endlessly pestering fleas and bedbugs dragged them, again and again, back to consciousness.

73- This inexplicable phenomenon was repeated again and again.

74- I grubbed for whole ones, baby skulls to fill my sack again and again.

75- We hope the reader is aspersion of this plant new young plant, fertilization sincerely, let it spend again and again of numerous Xie Mao, fructification.

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