26- 214548 Eventually, aged 16 and 17, the two teenagers met on Twitter.

27- Three middle-aged men and a young soldier sat at the table next to me.

28- Tutankhamun died aged 19 in 1324 BC after just nine years on the throne.

29- One of the suspects, aged 23, has denied any involvement in the attacks.

30- Police Scotland said two men, aged 19 and 24, were detained over the find.

31- Additionally, families would receive $720 per year for each child aged 6-17.

32- This marks the first year all BCBS and it variants were aged at the facility.

33- A total of 1,600 people aged from 18 were questioned in 46 regions of Russia.

34- 270212 He has hardly aged at all, aside from his hair turning a little grayer.

35- 470024 Manitoba made a number of items PST free for children aged 2 and under.

36- The court was shown a photo of the children together, aged about seven and two.

37- Caramel, aged four months, was taken in a burglary in Harlow, Essex, on 3 June.

38- The participants, aged 60 and up, were dementia-free at the start of the study.

39- 450927 Kurtz tracks down a few scattered, aged survivors and shows them the film.

40- The slain parents, aged 54 and 42, and their son were not immediately identified.

41- 729484 The highest number of those injuries were youth aged five- to 17-years-old.

42- His death came just two months after his sister was killed in a car crash aged 21.

43- 261 Metropolitan Avenue, 718­-387­-7611; Barrel aged Cocktails Want more like this?

44- 245522 Gareth, aged about 35, had been busking with his guitar in Deal High Street.

45- The two women, aged 54 and 61, had climbed to the top of the roof during the blaze.

46- I just recently sat down with two same aged nephews in different parts of the globe.

47- But here I am aged 34 and I really can't think of much that I actually need anymore.

48- 858802 Three men, aged 24, 26 and 37, along with a 27-year-old woman, were arrested.

49- Five days after going under the knife, she was dead, aged just 40. What had happened?

50- The one-to-five ratio means Taiwan would be a 'hyper-aged' society, the council said.

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