26- 918875 We've got an aging population and a growing demand for healthcare."

27- The Wall Street Journal. 4:35 How Will aging Millennials Will Impact Tech?

28- 846509 This is really a reflection of our aging and growing population."""

29- More people may provide an economic solution to Germany's aging population.

30- TARGET MARKETS: Aerospace frame, Engine components, new and aging aircrafts.

31- Duration: 01:04 1 day ago The industry is growing and the workforce is aging.

32- He's still my idol regardless of him aging and his game changing, George said.

33- The aging industry is receptive to working with the pet industry, Levine said.

34- 'But being more active can delay the functional decline that accompanies aging.

35- 49823 And it might help defuse economic stresses caused by an aging population.

36- Pakistan's aging infrastructure means the country lacks a reliable power sector.

37- And many people don't understand that Alzheimer's isn't a natural part of aging.

38- 'Ten weeks of chemotherapy is equivalent to 10 years of normal aging, Jones says.

39- One father told me that he especially sees it now that his own parents are aging.

40- Both of the incidents are a "classic sign of aging infrastructure," the WSSC said.

41- 183593 D., Dr. Shoreh is considered a pioneer in the field of anti-aging medicine.

42- At the time, there were calls for a bigger military budget to replace aging planes.

43- Exercise helps the aging brain Dr. Brian Goldman Praying your way to better health?

44- 812143 The treatment costs also leave less money to replace Des Moines' aging pipes.

45- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) serves as chairwoman of the Special Committee on aging.

46- Meanwhile, a growing number of oil fields around the world were aging and in decline.

47- Calling upon our youthful sense of enthusiasm we can often soften the corners of aging.

48- The plan is to move Highway 99 under the city, replacing the aging Alaskan Way viaduct.

49- Council is in the process of approving a new police chopper to replace the aging Air-1.

50- Drivers who are over 55 are learning about the challenges they face as aging motorists.

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