76- Their ascendency lasted from the early middle ages until the early 19th century.

77- In the middle ages, the Inquisition's main focus was to eradicate these new sects.

78- Holds are literally castles, just not quite like the castles from the middle ages.

79- © 2001 by James Clarke & Co. Encyclopedia of the middle ages (e-reference edition).

80- Cemeteries Old cemetery There were four cemeteries in Memmingen in the middle ages.

81- The Furthest Shore: Images of Terra Australis from the middle ages to Captain Cook.

82- Music in the middle ages and Renaissance (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, ).

83- At the end of the middle ages the Dutch started using wind power to drain the land.

84- In the late middle ages the name was changed to Trondheim ( Old Norse : ?róndheimr).

85- Medieval Monasticism : Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the middle ages.

86- The excavations revealed settlements from the Paleolithic down into the middle ages.

87- In the Ceremonial Hall there are astronomical gadgets and maps from the middle ages.

88- Cantor, N. F., The Civilization of the middle ages, Harper Collins, 1993, pp. 280-84.

89- It was used in the early middle ages long before the works of Aristotle were current.

90- During the Serbian Occupation the first Albanian state of the middle ages was created.

91- The novel, like Spain itself, was caught between the middle ages and the modern world.

92- middle ages This message box is using an invalid "type=notice" parameter and needs fixing.

93- The shoreline moved seawards, due to silting, from the middle ages until the 19th century.

94- Etymology The word "armour" came into use in the middle ages as a borrowing from the French.

95- This is why the people of late middle ages dwelt so obsessively on the sufferings of Christ.

96- Extensive architectural history ranging from the middle ages to Huguenot and Georgian houses.

97- In the middle ages, a totemic animal figure often stood for the person's presumable features.

98- Apprenticeship training in a well-organised form originates in the guilds of the middle ages.

99- The main problem that the inhabitants of the city faced in the middle ages were Norman razzies.

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