76- Aman and Kaakon visit an old age home where an old female calls Kaakon as her daughter.

77- The players are shown in old age but are wearing the football uniforms of the thirties.

78- One such future scenario would be Erin still bossing Christopher around in their old age.

79- Translations of his books into other European languages did not appear until his old age.

80- The Golden Years is a term used to describe the retirement years and Saturn rules old age.

81- Opening it, she releases malignant furies on mankind: madness, old age, vice and sickness.

82- In the distant past, Anthro dies of old age years after bringing fire to the people of earth.

83- Despite her small stature and old age, she is the most feared member of all the Kurogane staff.

84- 597) He served roughly half of his term, his health failing in his old age, and died in prison.

85- I know that you've been in prison for many years and you're not in good health at this old age.

86- He was considered a capable ruler when young, but in old age was considered cruel and arbitrary.

87- When, in 1995, old age prevented him from continuing, he asked his protege to take up the reins.

88- In his old age, he had tried to advise King Gregor on the way of the dinosaurs, but was shunned.

89- They do not, however, live happily ever after, as she dies the moment she awakens due to old age.

90- Billy continued in the rat pit until old age reportedly with only one eye and two teeth remaining.

91- Because of his old age, he could not fully satisfy the young slave-girl during sexual intercourse.

92- Old Scrat appears only in Marshworld, having died of old age before the beginning of the second book.

93- She was said to be so saddened by her dog's death to cancer and old age that she relapsed into drugs.

94- It was said that, on account of his old age, he often offered to retire, and she repeatedly declined.

95- He is known for being very soulful and valiant, although he starts to become senile from his old age.

96- Lazarus, who has been expecting death at any time due to extreme old age, now has a new lease on life.

97- Ramirez asked Connor to leave Heather, to save him from the pain of her inevitable loss, from old age.

98- Bellow continued teaching well into his old age, enjoying its human interaction and exchange of ideas.

99- The Queen of Ga'Hoole before Coryn came to the Great Tree of Ga'Hoole; died of old age as he came to it.

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