1- The job is interesting, and then again, the pay is good.

2- The birds undertake a 1000-mile migration every year in the fall, and then again in the spring.

3- But, then again, it's not much of a slogan to say, 'We're better than ISIS!'

4- But then again someone whose job it is to promote books probably would say that.

5- A 103-year-old man once said "The secret to a long life is to stay busy, get plenty of exercise, and don't drink too much.

6- Then again, don't drink too little.

7- "Then again if he joined at age 30, he would be 56. Still not that old.

8- Special moments in special times Then again, it would be a pity.

9- Then again, it gave Browne his first Champions Tour victory in four years.

10- Then again, what's one misfire in the context of a 40-year-old show?

11- Then again, what's one misfire in the context of a 40-year-old show?

12- Then again, I don't think this chick is transferring to Harvard anytime soon.

13- Then again, he didn't really need to shoot lights out with nobody chasing him.

14- Then again, it allowed him to play to his strengths, saying, 'Here's the truth.

15- Then again there's the issue of what impact older doctors have on patient care.

16- Then again, so do the silver leather pants they were matched with on the catwalk.

17- Then again, if you're buying the P'9983, you're probably not in it for the specs.

18- Then again, leaving NBC altogether may have been the anchorman's only other choice.

19- Then again we struggled to find anyone to say very much at all about anything.

20- Then again, the invitation might not be forthcoming: Kimmel doesn't seem to like Trump much.

21- Then again, the crisis the Dutch are facing at the moment might be much bigger than Hiddink.

22- Then again, it's not like they have senators or congressmen here who can vote and legislate.

23- Then again, it'd be a great accompaniment for grilled Asian dishes, too, like lemongrass beef.

24- Then again, if you spend this kind of money without consultation, you might be in more trouble.

25- "Then again, we're back to charging a different rate versus what we are charging for the rental.

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