51- Adrianna later discovers she is pregnant as a result of her promiscuity while she was addicted.

52- 223540 Monica was becoming more addicted to heroin, and things were starting to look bad for her.

53- Over the course of the two weeks, Vicious, by now heavily addicted to heroin, Huey, Steve (2005).

54- Trinity is addicted to cigarettes; both Ricky and Lucy give her cigarettes as a means of payment.

55- Gradually, she gets a knack of it and starts getting addicted to the thrill and ecstasy of the job.

56- Earle had been a recreational drug user since an early age and was addicted to heroin for many years.

57- addicted In 2002, Strum landed a record deal with WEA records, distributed by the Warner Music Group.

58- Unfortunately Cyclone became addicted to the pills and was forced to retire until he beat his addiction.

59- They all became addicted, and all died prematurely except for Halsted and his colleague Dr. Richard Hall.

60- It's also hinted that one of the reasons Jack was addicted to heroin during Day 3 was to cope with Teri's death.

61- Sam soon becomes addicted to the demon blood, but Sam convinces himself that he needs the power to destroy Lilith.

62- The Herald also criticised "the politicisation of the public service" and a state government "addicted to secrecy".

63- As the film progresses and the two men hang out more, Bill starts to become more addicted to the gambling lifestyle.

64- Comedian George Carlin remarked, "America got what it deserved in Elvis Presley: a big fat, drug-addicted squealer."

65- She is considered to be the show's most stereotypical character: a shopping addicted, boy crazy, teenage "fashionista".

66- To suppress chronic pain, especially in the abdomen, he injected himself with morphine long enough to become addicted to it.

67- He was addicted to women and pleasures of the flesh, so he ordered five palaces to be built: the five palaces of the senses.

68- He was at all times addicted to lavish hospitality, and according to the testimony of contemporaries was too fond of burgundy.

69- In Sniz and Fondue, Sniz becomes addicted to playing solitaire on his computer and this soon becomes a problem that Sniz has to fix.

70- But we are too addicted in our social comment to this kind of mechanical economic determinism.

71- He was addicted to heroin at the age of 17.

72- The children are addicted to video games.

73- Drug abuse is a suicidal act. Men dig their own graves by being addicted to the deadly pleasures of psychedelic drugs. The drug addict lives to die for ecstasy and hallucination, and they cannot avoid a horrible fate. People who are under pressure, or have low self- esteem and confidence, are more likely to tell lies. People who are addicted to gambling, alcohol, and drugs are potential liars. \x3C/script>')