51- Muslim adherents of the area are primarily members of the Jafari Shi'a sect.

52- Lipman, pp. 179-181 Other Jahriya adherents were captured and exiled as well.

53- adherents of various Protestant denominations and Catholics live in the area.

54- The bull excommunicated only Caerularius, Leo of Achrida, and their adherents.

55- Many adherents to the Panthay cause were persecuted by the imperial mandarins.

56- In these discussions, some dominant figures were Arius, with several adherents.

57- He, too, had persecuted the new religion, forcing its adherents by painful tortures to renounce and abominate Christ.

58- In 2001 there were a total of 53,249 adherents to the Macedonian Orthodox Church.

59- Most Christian Sudanese and adherents of local religious systems lived in southern Sudan.

60- An important aspect of the faith of adherents is the miracles attributed to Sathya Sai Baba.

61- He was also being overly generous with new adherents, and the old followers began to grumble.

62- Today the majority of the Parsis are adherents of the Parsi version of the Shahenshahi calendar.

63- Many Pure Land Buddhism texts have also shown sariras of many adherents, some occurring recently.

64- They all promise to free adherents from spiritual bondage, and bring them into spiritual freedom.

65- Sarmiento was an educator, a civilized man who was a militant adherent to the Unitarist movement.

66- If not, an adherent would be transported to an earthly prison where he would face eternal torment.

67- Peyotism is now practiced in more than 50 Indian tribes and has probably around 250,000 adherents.

68- Unitarian Universalism is a religion that does not require its adherents to subscribe to any creed.

69- adherents: Held by groups who believe the scriptures to be inerrant and often more Arminian leaning.

70- Ideologies cannot ultimately control the character of their adherents even though they are influential.

71- He would remain an adherent of Schopenhauer for the rest of his life, even after his fortunes improved.

72- Even the semi-Spinozist Dionysius Mussafia Musaphia likewise became one of Sabbatai's zealous adherents.

73- Therefore, adherents to green politics advocate economic policies designed to safeguard the environment.

74- The name Kiryas Joel means "Town of Joel" which alludes to the awe in which he was held by his adherents.

75- Lincoln describes how religious services use myths and over-generalizations to indoctrinate NOI adherents.

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