76- In fundamentalist Islamic societies, some adherents of sharia law feel it's inappropriate for women to work.

77- adherents of Sikhism are known as Sikhs (students or disciples) and number over 23 million across the world.

78- Also, opponents of any belief are apt to describe that belief in different terms from those used by adherents.

79- adherents The number of Taoists is difficult to estimate, due to a variety of factors including defining Taoism.

80- There were about 4 million adherents of Judaism in the U.S. as of 2001, approximately 1.4% of the US population.

81- After his adherents took to plundering the locals, however, Nilqa Senggum was expelled from the Tangut territory.

82- Mahdism and its adherents, the Ansar, sought the regeneration of Islam, and in general were critical of the turuq.

83- Given Burges' long-standing interest in Japanese art, it should be noted that he did have some adherents in Japan.

84- Discordian Cabals - S23Wiki dead link Additionally, few adherents hold Discordianism as their only or primary faith.

85- When the church was reestablished in Belarus in the early 1990s, its adherents advertised it as a "national" church.

86- 244488 The second largest actual religion in Salisbury was Islam with adherents accounting for 0.24% of the population.

87- 156117 All books and valuable manuscripts of Wycliffe were burned, and Alexander V excommunicated Hus and his adherents.

88- •91.html 43,941 adherent statistic citations: membership and geography data for 4,300+ religions, churches, tribes, etc.

89- The Mason is called a "true Noahida", i.e. an adherent of the pre-Christian and pre-Mosaic system of undivided mankind."

90- A battle followed, in which the usurper was wounded, Hasan Ehan, one of his adherents, killed, and his army put to fight.

91- Groups must provide general background information and have at least 100,000 adult adherents to qualify for registration.

92- The name comes from the fact that adherents are part of Kellhus' "tribe of truth", and followers of the Dûnyain teachings.

93- Asay (1997) The nature of the protection believed to be afforded by temple garments is ambiguous and varies between adherents.

94- Perhaps the primary objection to Dennett's use of the term Cartesian materialism is that it is a philosophy without adherents.

95- Baur himself and his rationalistic adherents, Schwegler, Ritsçhl, Rothe, wrote also special works on the origins of the Church.

96- Notes Further reading adherents' literature *"Unveiled Mysteries" by Godfre Ray King, Saint Germain Press, Schaumburg, Illinois.

97- adherents of radical environmentalism and ecological anarchism are involved in direct action campaigns to protect the environment.

98- His followers refused to eat meat slaughtered by Lubavich shochetim or to recognize Chabad Hasidim as adherents of authentic Judaism.

99- These interpretations were most likely introduced by adherents of ethnocentric ideologies that were codified into the Western mindset.

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