1- She is active.

2- She's hyperactive.

3- She is attractive.

4- He is an active boy.

5- He is an active person.

6- She has attractive eyes.

7- He is still fully active.

8- Cats are active at night.

9- She's not half attractive.

10- She is remarkably attractive.

11- He's quite active for his age.

12- She is as active as she looks.

13- He is rather an active person.

14- At seventy, he is still active.

15- I find her appearance attractive.

16- Be active in doing good for people.

17- He is active although he is very old.

18- Some animals are very active at night.

19- She's still active in the front lines.

20- Although he is over , he is still active.

21- He is playing an active part in politics.

22- My grandfather is still active at eighty.

23- There are many active volcanoes in Japan.

24- Tokyo is the least attractive town to me.

25- Tax wise, it is an attractive arrangement.

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