1- She became an actress.

2- He married an actress.

3- She resembles that actress.

4- My girlfriend is an actress.

5- She is famous as an actress.

6- Her wish is to be an actress.

7- I was an angel of an actress.

8- He made the actress his wife.

9- I hear she's a famous actress.

10- I spoke to the actress herself.

11- She aimed to become an actress.

12- She has always been a popular actress.

13- She aspires to becoming a great actress.

14- The actress fell backward over the stage.

15- The actress tore up her contract angrily.

16- She became an actress the following year.

17- She is not so much a singer as an actress.

18- She is not so much an actress as a singer.

19- Many fans came running toward the actress.

20- She realized her ambition to be an actress.

21- She was an actress and was treated as such.

22- The actress on the stage was heavily made up.

23- She was dressed after the fashion of an actress.

24- She looks as beautiful as if she were an actress.

25- Besides being an actress, she was a famous painter.

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