1- She is a lady of business acumen.

2- He is a communicator with strong baseball acumen and leadership skills.

3- George Osborne Boyle is rapidly gaining a reputation for his wry political acumen.

4- AIG President David Negrin praised Chu's proven leadership, prominence and business acumen.

5- Confucius shows here political acumen and flexibility without compromising moral principles.

6- A person whose mental acumen is well below par .

7- Its top superior is the additional acumen .

8- Most said financial acumen and business sense.

9- Most business simulations are used for business acumen training and development.

10- The team demonstrated excellent business acumen , and exceptional political awareness.

11- This doctor obviously had much more acumen than the locals.

12- His engineering acumen and attention to detail was extremely valuable.

13- The business simulations often focused on strategy and business acumen .

14- Price is primarily known for his offensive acumen .

15- Your writing is filled with acumen and courage.

16- I've never possessed any business acumen .

17- Pat always had tremendous faith in her brother's business acumen .

18- He has a lot of business acumen and great ideas.

19- Manchester's civic leadership has a reputation for business acumen .

20- The discussions were conducted with the greatest freedom and acumen .

21- Probably the worst when it came business acumen & humility .

22- Clients appreciate Craig's impeccable design sense and business acumen .

23- In addition, Stark possesses great business and political acumen .

24- He had a remarkable mind and good business acumen .

25- Much progress owed to the bishop's business acumen .

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