1- I have always greatly admired both Gandhi and Martin Luther King for their peaceful approach to political activism.

2- The increased activism has spread alarm about anti-Semitism on campus.

3- This isn't the first time PayPal blocks rebellious political activism.

4- 417076 It's still not certain why this increased activism is happening.

5- He also explains why Grass' political activism was crucial for US writers.

6- Lavell says this campaign represents a whole new level of activism for him.

7- Still, MacKay raised a red flag about the group's unorthodox style of activism.

8- He had been nominated for DW's 2014 "The Bobs - Best of Online activism" award.

9- Dolezal has said she's been harassed in Spokane because of her race and activism.

10- I want people to feel empathetic and hopefully do some social activism, she added.

11- And even today, if you are afraid sometimes about the consequences of your activism?

12- 577129 QUESTION: We've talked a lot about your activism both off-screen and on-screen.

13- The Brotherhood says it is committed to peaceful activism and denies any tie to violence.

14- They found support through tea party activism and formed their own legislative coalition.

15- The Brotherhood denies any link to violence and says it is committed to peaceful activism.

16- However, Rustin's body of work in civil rights and peace activism dates back to the 1930s.

17- We need the fiery determination of my friend Linda, whose Muslim faith spurs her activism.

18- Much of the activism comes from Delhi - 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometres) distant from Kerala.

19- Pro-Ukrainian activism inside Crimea has become an even more dangerous proposition since then.

20- The DPR Ministry of State Security and its LPR analog monitor activism among the population.

21- Rights advocates say six people remain in prison for political activism, including former presidential candidate Nikolai Statkevich.

22- AP: The documentary focuses on his music and activism, but it also touches on domestic violence, which was glossed over in the film.

23- I am deeply troubled by your sudden quietness in the midst of such powerful youth activism against police brutality and state violence.

24- He said the group is reaching out to what he called 'the firsts' in the Latino community for their contributions and political activism.

25- In 1947 she spoke out against the House Un-American Activities Committee and its investigation into alleged communist activism in Hollywood.

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