1- Angles which are less than 90° are called acute angles .

2- Both deer were walking away from me at an acute angle .

3- acute angle closure is an emergency.

4- The only letter with acute angles is ( "jani").

5- Nor do they branch off at acute angles or form perfect oblongs.

6- The acute angle provided by mountain slopes helps in generating great speeds during skiing.

7- This unique metalsmithing work creates contrast with acute angles and semi-precious stones.

8- Laser iridotomy reduces the risk of developing an attack of acute angle closure.

9- acute angle Closure Glaucoma This is a sudden onset.

10- Make lists of all the acute angles , obtuse angles and reflex angles.

11- The trotter breeds have a little more need for more acute angles in the foreassembly.

12- The vertical axis is defined as acute angle between Fourier transformed lattice fringes or electron diffraction spots.

13- Both images are projected onto a high-gain, corrugated screen which reflects light at acute angles .

14- The triangles that are attached to each hypotenuse can be any right triangle with acute angles .

15- Form a right triangle in the z plane with ? being one of the acute angles .

16- A right or acute angle would indicate a head held high for browsing leaves at various heights.

17- There is an acute angle between the scapula and coracoid, as in all flying birds.

18- In other words, it will never choose an acute angle that would drastically change its direction.

19- Any time traffic flows meet at an acute angle , someone cannot see traffic approaching them.

20- According to Ito, the triangle's sharp right and acute angles suggest the possibility of pain.

21- Bottom left : Non-circular rollers can be constructed by assembling vertically opposite pairs of acute angled isosceles triangles.

22- Has more yellow on bill than smaller Bewick's Swan, reaching below nostril at an acute angle .

23- They are formed by a continuous extrusion of parallel sets of polymeric ribs at acute angles to one another.

24- Women are three times more likely than men to develop acute angle closure glaucoma due to their shallower anterior chambers.

25- In addition, the acute angle of His and the lower crura of the diaphragm helps this sphincteric action.

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