1- To begin with, the actual battlefield seemed so absurdly small.

2- actualThey shot the film in an actual desert.

3- The actual cost was higher than the estimate.

4- The actual price was lower than I had thought.

5- He has retired, but he is still an actual leader.

6- Any resemblance to actual persons is entirely coincidental.

7- Does your concept of God see him or her as an actual physical entity?The biggest hurdle in getting a job is getting an actual interview.

8- Preventive measures are much more effective than the actual treatment.

9- His intrinsic drive to succeed has helped him more than his actual abilities.

10- The preview for the movie looked great, but the actual film was pretty boring.

11- The difference between the original estimate and the actual cost was about 4%.

12- The peel on my orange was so thick that there was hardly any actual fruit inside.

13- The salesman told me the car would cost $5,000, but the actual cost with tax was $5,700.

14- Even after being approved, difficulties might arise in the actual construction of the line.

15- Many of the first applicants didn't get past the first hurdle of getting an actual interview.

16- Some of the people who died in Hiroshima were killed by radiation, rather than the actual bomb blast.

17- Many of the people who died in Hiroshima were killed by radiation, rather than the actual bomb blast.

18- Police have determined that no actual penetration occurred during the sexual attack on the young girl.

19- Nowadays companies seem to be promoting their brands as saleable items even more than the actual products.

20- The film "Schindler's List" ended with a sequence showing actual survivors of the Nazi concentration camps.

21- Photos supposedly taken of an actual Sasquatch turned out to be fakes made using a man in a gorilla costume.

22- Because Yemen's border with Saudi Arabia is uncertain, officials can only estimate the country's actual size.

23- When a Somali refers to a brother or sister, this term can include distant relatives as well as actual siblings.

24- Officials believe that at least a thousand people were killed in the earthquake, but the actual number is not known.

25- Actor Tom Hanks once remarked that the prejudice surrounding AIDS causes a social death which precedes the actual physical one.

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