acutely mise">

1- Agatha Christie once said, "I like living.

2- I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

3- "It acutely observes vanity and folly, sexual jealousy and family relationships.

4- 348979 In a country acutely attuned to class, that rubs some Britons up the wrong way.

5- In his introduction, he writes of 'acutely felt tremors of social and political disintegration.'

6- In a time like this, people are more acutely concerned about the overall value proposition, he says.

7- 842996 This idea - that life perceived too acutely is a recipe for disaster - pervades the collection.

8- 'Macdonald was acutely aware of his own humanity and as a consequence very forgiving of it in others.'

9- Currently selling on multiple marketplaces and websites, Smejkal acutely understands how technology can help him quickly scale operations.

10- Russia and China are acutely aware they have been excluded from the proposed trade bloc and Putin says it would be ineffective without them.

11- 353001 In Iraq, where the number of people displace has tripled to 2.8 million since 2013, the situation is also acutely serious,"" FAO said."

12- According to Michele Hyron, Atos Origin's chief integrator to the London 2012 Games, the team remain acutely aware of the countdown to the big event.

13- He missed acutely the old life of ease and amusement.

14- He was acutely conscious of class divisions and his social inferiority.

15- We learn a lot about Manig, despite the extremely short but acutely precise observations.

16- On top of the smooth pace, Wyler has handled every detail with an acutely dramatic touch."

17- He was acutely sensitive to how the Nazi regime sacrificed human beings in service of ideals.

18- Cunxiao and Qiuyue are bemused and feel more acutely, the pressures and ostracising that Bufan and Xinya are facing.

19- When Ashley comes home for Christmas in 1863, Scarlett becomes acutely aware of the privileges Melanie holds as his wife.

20- P-List wastes are wastes that are considered "acutely hazardous" when discarded and are subject to more stringent regulation.

21- Many transplant surgeons feel that NHBD livers should not be used to transplant acutely sick patients with acute liver failure.

22- Those who actively lay hands on others and pray with them to be healed are often acutely aware that healing may not always follow.

23- He is acutely conscious of a large, dark blue birthmark on the left side of his face, which he tries to hide from everyone he meets.

24- Whatever she wore, she'd feel acutely self-conscious.

25- In any case the number of dwellings actually completed by 1950 was pathetically small, and housing shortages were felt acutely elsewhere.

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