1- He's an acute businessman.

2- Her grief was too acute for tears.

3- He felt an acute pain in his chest.

4- The housing shortage is very acute.

5- There is an acute shortage of water.

6- He has an acute sense of observation.

7- His ear infection caused him acute pain.

8- A blind person's hearing is often very acute.

9- I am touched by the girl's acute sensitivity.

10- An acute lack of funds is holding up the plan.

11- How did it go?

12- They said it was acute appendicitis.

13- The shortage of fresh water in this country is becoming acute due to the long drought.

14- A dolphin's hearing is so acute that it can hear underwater sounds from up to 15 miles away.

15- Many people seem to think that those who are blind have a more acute sense of smell or touch.

16- The country is experiencing an acute economic crisis due to the collapse in the price of coffee.

17- In 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio was so full of oil and chemicals that it actually caught fire.

18- acuteThe old woman has been hospitalized with an acute case of pneumonia, and doctors fear she may not make it through the night.

19- In past centuries, mortality was high for three main reasons: acute and chronic food shortage, epidemic disease, and poor public-health standards.

20- Agatha Christie once said, "I like living.

21- I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

22- "Instead of all right angles, some apparently becoming acute, some obtuse.

23- Not long after, Malcolm dies of 'acute alcoholism and sexual hypertension.'

24- Falling bee populations are an acute problem in many industrialized countries.

25- It acutely observes vanity and folly, sexual jealousy and family relationships.

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