acute intoxication by methamphetamine."27- Running a deficit ">

26- The autopsy also diagnosed Harris with "acute intoxication by methamphetamine."

27- Running a deficit seems to be becoming normal practice for acute trusts, he said.

28- 893437 VTI-212 was enrolling patients with acute liver failure in a mid-stage study.

29- 348979 In a country acutely attuned to class, that rubs some Britons up the wrong way.

30- The use of the pesticide is restricted in the United States because of its acute toxicity.

31- The child died in March 2014 from what an autopsy determined to be acute methadone toxicity.

32- With half of India's 1.2 billion people 25 or younger, the need to create more jobs is acute.

33- By contrast, Kant maintained, light-skinned Caucasians were "active, acute, and adventurous".

34- There were many logistical challenges to recruiting patients during the acute period, he said.

35- In his introduction, he writes of 'acutely felt tremors of social and political disintegration.'

36- While the ports never shut down fully, the problems in the supply chain were acute - and growing.

37- Putin pointed to the proximity of positions Moscow and New Delhi take on acute international issues.

38- In a time like this, people are more acutely concerned about the overall value proposition, he says.

39- 842996 This idea - that life perceived too acutely is a recipe for disaster - pervades the collection.

40- 'Macdonald was acutely aware of his own humanity and as a consequence very forgiving of it in others.'

41- The competition has become acute, largely owing to American and German acquisitiveness .

42- The correct diagnosis of acute appendicitis depends on clinical acumen and experience.

43- The hamstring tear turned out to be acute.

44- acute renal failure due to self-medication.

45- Neoacutes represent post-Proto-Slavic development.

46- The leaf apex is either notched, rounded, or acute.

47- It was made for non-acute curves, not for origami."

48- He missed acutely the old life of ease and amusement.

49- Border communities on both sides suffered acute disruption.

50- The acute toxic dose of fluoride is ~5 mg/kg of body weight.

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