51- The pitcher mouth is ovate, horizontal, and acute towards the lid.

52- This impressionist miniature once again reveals her acute sensitivity.

53- He was acutely conscious of class divisions and his social inferiority.

54- In January 2008, Charlie is revealed to have an acute form of leukaemia.

55- Advised six weeks of fatigue to follow after five days of acute illness.

56- The pitcher mouth is usually ovate, becoming acute at the front and rear.

57- The troubles in the U.S. newspaper market, while acute, aren't universal.

58- However, acute rejection can also occur months to years after transplantation.

59- Red deer are an exception, and in them the disease may be as acute as in sheep.

60- Background CVS differs from other forms of vomiting as it is an acute condition.

61- The cause of acute renal failure can usually be determined without renal biopsy.

62- Initial symptoms of cerebral malaria are often mistaken as that of acute jaundice.

63- Oxidative stress is increased in critically ill patients with acute renal failure.

64- The exodus of workers caused an acute labour shortage, affecting local industries.

65- The effects of acute events are more easily studied than those of chronic exposure.

66- In male rats acute doses of 0.5 to 1.0 gl/kg of BHT showed renal and hepatic damage.

67- The Belfast system was established to reach patients with acute myocardial infarction.

68- Visually as well, it is the exact opposite of the acute accent, being its mirror image.

69- Within hours they suffered from acute radiation sickness and sought hospital treatment.

70- After treatment of the acute fracture, the risk of future fractures should be addressed.

71- While in prison, she showed acute signs of madness and an intense longing for her sister.

72- It was no idle vision, for after three days the acute pain of his injury brought his end.

73- We learn a lot about Manig, despite the extremely short but acutely precise observations.

74- Impaired monocyte cytokine production in critically ill patients with acute renal failure.

75- Whether treated or not, the clinical course for the acute disease lasts about 2 to 3 days.

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