1- When in actuality you're trying to create an image.

2- He claims to be an Indian merchant, but in actuality he is a Jinn who works for Eblis.

3- Running over this frog the heroes were surprised to discover that the frog was in actuality Drumstick.

4- Jawas are not as short as they appear to be, because in actuality they are taller than Jedi Master Yoda.

5- Although "GO LAKERS!" has been part of the song since its inception, in actuality, it is almost always absent.

6- The storm had two names because it was assumed that Jenny dissipated and Katherine reformed, but it was in actuality one storm.

7- He is often accompanied by (in actuality carrying) a yellow wig-wearing pink stuffed teddy bear named "Jeremiah the Pink Teddy Bear."

8- They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.

9- But in actuality, disambiguation is not unprincipled and random; rather, it is usually quite predictable.

10- De Graaff commuted the sentence to two years, and in actuality Sukarno was released on 15 December 1931.

11- They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.

12- But in actuality, disambiguation is not unprincipled and random; rather, it is usually quite predictable.

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