1- The direct marketing firm reviews the importance of having an adaptable business vision.

2- But remember that humans are very adaptable .

3- The superhero theme - highly interactive and adaptable - was inspired.

4- The capsules provide free and adaptable space.

5- This population is less adaptable to temperature changes.

6- White pine is adaptable to many soil types.

7- A more powerful and adaptable classification scheme is needed.

8- You need someone who is very adaptable .

9- It is adaptable to many climate zones.

10- The golden everlasting has proven very adaptable to cultivation.

11- The common chimpanzee is a highly adaptable species.

12- The question is whether it is really adaptable .

13- This makes them surprisingly adaptable for apartment life.

14- Almost all playground activities are adaptable to tournaments.

15- The instruments used should be adaptable to multiple purposes.

16- It prefers southern zones but is nevertheless diverse and adaptable .

17- The technique is one which is wonderfully adaptable .

18- Are adaptable to logistics and audience needs.

19- They are by nature flexible and adaptable .

20- The aircraft is also adaptable to various foreign weapons.

21- They are highly adaptable to almost any environment.

22- They are very adaptable and thrive in mixed farmland.

23- View your experience as having provided adaptable skills.

24- The independent sensors of adaptable organisms are not anarchists .

25- How adaptable is this person to change?

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