1- What actually happened?

2- I actually saw a ghost.

3- She looks actually pretty.

4- What did she actually say?

5- actually I wrote her a card.

6- actually it was only a rumor.

7- actually, it was only a rumor.

8- He is actually not the manager.

9- When you lose, you actually win.

10- He hasn't actually eaten caviar.

11- She doesn't actually live in Deal.

12- He hasn't actually been to America.

13- You can speak as you actually feel.

14- He actually didn't see the accident.

15- actually, the earth is getting warmer.

16- actually, I have a favor to ask of you.

17- He looks wealthy, but actually he's not.

18- actually this will be my fourth question.

19- actually, I haven't gotten any letters yet.

20- He looks stern, but actually he's very kind.

21- What will actually happen is anyone's guess.

22- He looks young, but actually he is over forty.

23- actually, we had prepared ourselves for defeat.

24- The brightest star you see is actually a planet.

25- He works as a teacher, but actually he is a spy.

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