51- When it first came out, ketchup was actually sold as a medicine.

52- When two galaxies collide, they actually pass through each other.

53- What passes for leisure in our society is actually timeconsuming.

54- actually if you eat beets your urine may turn a light pink colour.

55- She is quite slim, but her husband is actually somewhat overweight.

56- Most scientists believe that birds actually evolved from dinosaurs.

57- There are very few viruses that can actually format your hard drive.

58- Everyone thought Livia was pregnant, but actually she is just obese.

59- They aren't identical twins, so they don't actually look much alike.

60- Only 2% of salmon which hatch actually live long enough to reproduce.

61- The actor is actually performing concurrently in two different plays.

62- A biopsy is needed to confirm whether she actually has cancer or not.

63- It is actually true that the less money you have, the less you worry.

64- Whoa, if we keep chatting, despite actually arriving early, we'll end up late!He called his boat a yacht, but actually it was just a little motorboat.

65- An eggshell may look solid, but it actually has nearly 8,000 tiny holes.

66- Fabio's hair is quite straight, but his mustache is actually very curly.

67- A jellyfish is not a single animal, but is actually a colony of animals.

68- Many things are easy to talk about, but difficult to actually carry out.

69- The teenager was actually steering the car with his feet when he went by.

70- She deserved to lose her job.

71- She was actually stealing from the company!The movie has been grossly overrated, it's actually not very good at all.

72- His affairs aren't going very well, and he may actually lose his business.

73- He may look sober, but he is actually so drunk he can hardly walk straight.

74- A polar bear's skin is black, and its fur is not white, but actually clear.

75- I thought he had been killed, but actually as I learned later, he survived.

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