1- He was so adamant in his refusal.

2- I am adamant that he undertake it.

3- Both girls adamantly said, We would play all day everyday if we could."""

4- And Bush, in particular has been adamant not to move substantively on the issue.

5- Dukale's Dream This is what Hugh Jackman does when he isn't wearing adamantium claws.

6- Nuzman was adamant in blaming UCI and said racing should have been allowed on Saturday.

7- 294806 'He was very adamant in telling Mike not to inform the guards,' said Slingerland.

8- Asked whether selection for England was wide open, Gatland was adamant: "Not really, no."

9- 'She was later spoken to and was quite adamant she had not agreed to paying these things.

10- James is adamant however that he wouldn't have swapped his Finals appearances for anything.

11- Smith said Wednesday that two jailers who evaluated Bland were "adamant" she appeared fine.

12- Among U.S. allies, France is the most adamant about stretching out the duration of the deal.

13- However, James is adamant that he would not have swapped his finals appearances for anything.

14- However, O'Keefe is adamant that George Street is still the best place to go for a fun night out.

15- At first, I was adamant that I didn't even want to sit near him, she told NBC News' Peter Alexander.

16- It's impossible to stop the looting but he is adamant more could be done to crack down on the trade.

17- Israel adamantly opposes the deal and its objection has put it at odds with the U.S, its closest ally.

18- Management was adamant that opportunities for both organic and acquisitive growth were plentiful in the UK .

19- She is adamant that pregnant learners pose special challenges .

20- But on wind power he was adamant .

21- He was very adamant on keeping the baby.

22- He was adamant he had never tried to order drugs.

23- The purchaser is equally adamant that its standard terms should apply.

24- Hilary is adamant about changing her ways.

25- The black community is just adamant against this.

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