76- On top of the smooth pace, Wyler has handled every detail with an acutely dramatic touch."

77- Krieger, Derk. et al.'Cooling for acute Ischemic Brain Damage.' American Heart Association.

78- The acute vehicles carry one (1) stretcher and the patient transport vehicles carry two (2).

79- In acute metagonimiasis, clinical manifestations are developed only 5-7 days after infection.

80- He was acutely sensitive to how the Nazi regime sacrificed human beings in service of ideals.

81- Moreover, maintaining strict high standards did little to meet China's acute need for nurses.

82- Here again, the high tone is marked with an acute (n) while the low tone is left unmarked (n).

83- A profile of the famous Brontė sisters with a love for his subject and an acute artistic vision.

84- In patients with ARF, acute heart inflammation typically gradually subsides within about 5 months.

85- Instead, she was diagnosed with and treated for acute disseminated encephalomyeloradiculoneuritis.

86- 119504 Then the First World War intervened creating acute financial stringency for the government.

87- In 1920-1921 there was an acute recession, followed by the prolonged recovery throughout the 1920s.

88- Characteristic of this species is an acute incision or notch above the nares (supraorbital indention).

89- Some of the causes of acute pancreatitis can be remembered by the acronym GET SMASHED original research?

90- It is distributed by Bullfrog Films ( On February 3, 2005 Karl died at home of acute mylogenous leukemia.

91- Anticholinergics Only available as an inhalant, ipratropium bromide relieves acute or new asthma symptoms.

92- 203 people were hospitalized immediately, of whom 31 died (28 of them died from acute radiation exposure).

93- The LDS Church has also begun producing a nutrition-rich porridge named Atmit to help during acute famines.

94- Her very thourough and classic training of music brings an instrumental acuteness and sharpness to her music.

95- Lyra (v.3), p.165 According to the death certificate the causa mortis was an acute pneumonia on the left lung.

96- The acute accent and diaeresis are also occasionally used, to denote stress and vowel separation respectively.

97- These injuries were so acute that by the end of his performance that day his white sock was soaked with blood.

98- Virus particles in epithelial cells of duodenal mucosa from children with acute non-bacterial gastroenteritis.

99- Biological poisoning acute poisoning is exposure to a poison on one occasion or during a short period of time.

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