1- The reading entry fee was $7.

2- The entry fee includes 4 party tickets.

3- entry fee is $6 per person.

4- entry fee is $5 per person.

5- entry fee is $200 per team.

6- The initial entry fee is $600 per horse.

7- entry fee is £5 per pair.

8- entry fee is $25 per race.

9- entry fee is £2 per poem.

10- The entry fee is just $1500 per boat!

11- See entry fees and prize link below.

12- There is a $65 entry fee .

13- entry fee : $15 per story.

14- The entry fee is £500+VAT.

15- The tournament entry fee was $5.00.

16- The entry fee is £30 per team.

17- The entry fees are not transferable to another school.

18- This pass applies to entry fees only.

19- They paid an entry fee of $2 million.

20- An entry fee of $25 each is requested to audition.

21- There is an entry fee charged for individual competitions.

22- There is no participation or entry fee .

23- Not everything is included in the basic entry fee !

24- The entry fee is only $10.00.

25- There is no entry fee . 2.

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