1- The period of the fall of the Berlin Wall was an era of great political change in Eastern Europe.

2- One of the most important images of the fall of communism in the 1980s was the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

3- The political landscape of Eastern Europe was changed forever by the fall of communism.

4- the fall of the Berlin Wall was a graphic illustration of the collapse of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe.

5- the fall of the Berlin Wall was an extraordinary event in the political history of Europe.

6- Speaking of the fall of Marcos in the Philippines, Corazon Aquino said that all the world wondered as they witnessed a people lift themselves from humiliation to the greatest of pride.

7- The conversion of Eastern European factories into modern facilities since the fall of communism has been an expensive process.

8- Many former guerrilla fighters became important figures in the Sandinista government of Nicaragua following the fall of the Somoza regime.

9- The country has completely restructured its economic system in the wake of the fall of communism.

10- the fall of communism has been described as the sad ending of a political experiment which began with the best of intentions.

11- After the fall of the Berlin Wall, families could meet relatives they hadn't seen since the division of Germany in 1949.

12- the fall of communism has been described as the sad ending of a political experiment which began with the best of intentions.

13- The countries of Eastern Europe went through some fairly radical changes after the fall of communism.

14- Kamui no Ken was a sort of samurai/ninja story set during the transition of the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the reestablishment of Japan under the Emperor Meiji in .

15- Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived in exile in the U.

16- S.

17- until the fall of communism in his homeland.

18- Cuba broke most of its bonds with the U.

19- S.

20- S.

21- R.

22- after the fall of communism in Europe.

23- In the fall of 1989, Britain began proceedings to extradite General Augusto Pinochet to Spain to face charges of torture during his brutal dictatorship in Chile.

24- He's accused of killing Amber Kirwan in the fall of 2011.

25- Look for Assassin's Creed Victory in the fall of 2015 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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