26- While we sleep, we experience repeated cycles of brain activity.

27- The frontier has been closed due to rebel activity in the region.

28- The nightclub, usually humming with activity, was strangely quiet.

29- He is out of shape simply due to inactivity and poor eating habits.

30- Physical activity need not be strenuous to achieve health benefits.

31- Literature reflects human activity as carried on by the best minds.

32- The office became a blizzard of activity as the deadline approached.

33- No one is too old to enjoy the benefits of regular physical activity.

34- Find someone who has felt dehydrated after doing physical activity.

35- delayFind someone who has represented his/her school in some activity.

36- repressThis company's mandate determines the scope and limitations of its activity.

37- Hiking is a popular leisure activity for young adults here on the West Coast.

38- Rina is in the home economics club.

39- Her main activity is dressmaking.

40- The island of Jamaica owes its existence to earthquakes and volcanic activity.

41- Radio and television reception is disrupted during increased sunspot activity.

42- Learning probably takes place in virtually every activity in which we take part.

43- Find someone who has stretched before doing some kind of physical activity.

44- strictI read somewhere that gardening is the leading leisure-time activity in the world.

45- In spring and summer, ponds and lakes are the site of ceaseless activity.

46- ceasefireThere are many barriers to getting regular physical activity, such as time and cost.

47- The Dow-Jones average is an important gauge of economic activity on the stock market.

48- Your health problems are obviously related to your lack of regular physical activity.

49- Economic activity in Mali is mainly confined to the area irrigated by the Niger River.

50- Agricultural activity in Lesotho has decreased in recent years due to a severe drought.

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