26- 'Before, all I could do was develop a technology best optimized for products Samsung made,' Choi Hyun-chul, 32, said.

27- 'How many Samsung phones do you see in offices?

28- 'It's time to see Samsung as a semiconductor company,' Woori Investment & Securities analyst Lee Sei-cheol said.

29- 'Samsung has gone from up-and-comer to top-of-the-heap on the strength of its smartphone portfolio,' says VanAmburg.

30- 'Samsung hasn't walked away' from an acquisition.

31- 'Semiconductors, the brightest spot for Samsung over the past year, keep on trucking.'

32- 'Tab into color,' the invite for Samsung Galaxy Premiere 2014 event says.

33- 'This is the Samsung Galaxy F, claims a tipster,' @evleaks wrote, explaining the second image.

34- 06:27: Samsung denies Blackberry deal Radio 5 live Samsung Electronics has denied a report that it is buying Blackberry.

35- 2. 0 Replacement rear glass cover for Samsung Galaxy S6?

36- A 'Nexus'-like smartwatch is expected from LG, and Samsung is doing its own Tizen-based wearables thing.

37- A curved glass display was one of the marquee features of Samsung's Galaxy S6 Edge, unveiled two days earlier.

38- A jury found Samsung did infringe upon several Apple patents (though not regarding the appearance of its tablet).

39- A portion of the floor is also devoted to wearable tech items featuring Fitbits (FIT) and Samsung watches.

40- A Samsung spokesperson said that there is no problem with the company's phones.

41- A similar problem also appears to be looming for Samsung Electronics Co, which competes fiercely against the iPhone.

42- Access 'Samsung Gear' on the other device then taps Gear Circle to connect via Bluetooth.

43- Accordingly, Samsung is apparently focusing on "maintaining" these results more than getting back to its previous high.

44- Additionally, Engadget readers picked the Samsung Galaxy Gear as the best wearable device of 2013.

45- After a recent tweet it looks like Samsung probably won't win this year.

46- All told, it's a good thing that Samsung has moved on to making smartphones.

47- Amazon packs the two devices with beefy audio too, blowing away a Samsung slate in a quick demo.

48- An iPhone 5 or a Samsung Galaxy S5 might be out of reach for many.

49- Analysts say Samsung will likely have to sacrifice margins to protect its market share.

50- And earlier this year, Samsung unveiled a detachable QWERTY keyboard for its dual curved screen S6 Edge Plus.

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