26- Man reached the moon at last.

27- Maybe some day, people will be able to ride space vehicles to the moon for a holiday.

28- I want to travel to the moon.

29- The little boy loved to fantasize that he was an astronaut walking on the moon.

30- the moon follows a curved path as it goes around the Earth.

31- Can you imagine walking on the moon?

32- The teacher asked me how the moon differs from the earth.

33- 'the moonlight Sonata' perfectly evokes a calm night bathed in the clear cold light of the moon.

34- evolutionIn March of 1965, pictures taken on the surface of the moon were broadcast live on TV for the first time.

35- The sun and the moon rise in the east and set in the west.

36- It will not be long before man can travel to the moon.

37- When night fell, she watched the moon.

38- the moon rose above the hill.

39- the moon is behind the clouds.

40- the moon rises in the east.

41- The ability of modern science to describe the internal structure of the moon is based on a variety of physical observations.

42- The earth is about six times as large as the moon.

43- the moon goes round the earth once a month.

44- The day will come when we can travel to the moon.

45- The time will soon come when man will be able to travel to the moon.

46- the moon doesn't have light of its own.

47- It will not be long before we can take a trip to the moon.

48- A Spanish proverb notes that if you have the moon, ignore the stars.

49- illThere is no wind on the moon, so unless someone disturbs them, an astronaut's footprints will last forever!In 1961, John Kennedy said in a speech, "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon, and returning him safely to the Earth.

50- "the moon came out from behind the cloud.

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