1- hard copy applications are available upon request.

2- We are accepting either hard copy or pdf file applications.

3- Hard copies are easily obtained via the local printer.

4- Making a hard copy is also useful.

5- hard copy – a manuscript printed on paper.

6- It does not exist in hard copy format.

7- Have you started scanning paperwork instead of keeping hard copies ?

8- Please renew early to guarantee a hard copy .

9- We regret we are unable to accept hard copy applications.

10- Available in hard copy or via immediate electronic download.

11- Make hard copies of your key documents.

12- This is available in hard copy and via online databases.

13- Online is moving in on hard copy .

14- You may also request hard copies by mail.

15- Few hard copies of the album exist today.

16- Also include a hard copy proof or pdf.

17- Maybe hard copy doesn't translate into soft copy.

18- That is hard copies , not downloads.

19- For hard copy , is punching a dot through paper better?

20- Requisition hard copy documents through appropriate channels.

21- However, please retain a hard copy for yourself.

22- Print produces a hard copy of the current simulation scenario.

23- Hard copies of lab descriptions will be available.

24- The download is $ 10 MORE than the hard copy .

25- You can order a hard copy through her web site.

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