26- Complications can include vision loss, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, amputation of feet or legs and premature death.

27- The doctor told Sri Ramana that a complete amputation of the arm to the shoulder was required to save his life, but he refused.

28- A large, protruding clitoris should be reduced in size with a nerve-sparing recession or reduction rather than simple amputation.

29- At the start of the tenth season, Dr. Romano made an unwelcoming return back to the renovating ER after his leave from his amputation.

30- Before amputation it was customary to remove a quantity of blood equal to the amount believed to circulate in the limb that was to be removed.

31- 'But the next day they gave him an X-ray and talked of amputation.

32- 876782 Two years after my amputation, I medically retired from the Army in prime physical condition.

33- Many were saved; some only by amputation of trapped limbs.

34- Surgery Debridement and/or amputation of necrotic tissue is usually delayed.

35- Lalor was seriously wounded his left arm, resulting in its amputation.

36- The bloody stump on the end of her arm, signifying a traumatic amputation.

37- His arm was shattered, but he refused an amputation.

38- Upon amputation, Jay's healing factor was negated and the wings were just dead bone and feather.

39- ' * Sir James Syme - A new method of ankle amputation that did not involve amputating at the thigh.

40- The arm was badly set and swelled; on arrival in Detroit, local doctors thought it required amputation.

41- Harriman police shot Gorney in the leg, which was crippling enough that it required amputation of the leg.

42- By 1870, amputation blades had become more straight, and more closely resembled the "Liston" European style.

43- Indeed, there may be a fetishistic interest in misshapen or even missing body parts -a hump, a goiter, or an amputation.

44- d: singular neurectomy and posterior semicircular canal occlusion.19 Objective To Compare and assess the effectiveness of presacral neurectomy and uterosacral ligament amputation in women with dysmenorrhea caused by pelvic endometriosis.

45- On one of her return trips from Mumbai to Chennai she met with an accident resulting in the amputation of her right leg.

46- Methods The authors reviewed 42 patients underwent amputation for dry gangrene of leg due to atherosclerosis obliterans.

47- Indeed, there may be a fetishistic interest in misshapen or even missing body parts -a hump, a goiter, or an amputation.

48- The key points of early treating crush syndrome are fluid infusion, correcting hypovolemia and hyperkalemia, prompt osteofascial compartment open decompression or amputation.

49- Yet despite remedial chemotherapy and amputation the syndrome continued.

50- Yet despite remedial chemotherapy and amputation the syndrome continued.

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