26- Once the volume is as high as it can go, the LED will turn purple .

27- The berries turn purple or white, depending on cultivar, in late August as they mature.

28- Symptoms of purple blotch are primarily small white lesions that grow larger as they turn purple and brown.

29- Her hands turned purple .

30- Her hands turned purple .

31- The exertion and self-scrutiny had made her flush, and she began to turn purple under layers of powder.

32- It is said that Scheiner, on hearing this in a Rome bookshop, turned purple and shook violently.

33- Prout, his face turning purple , now turns to Loder, accusing him of deliberately disobeying his instructions.

34- Arch Tiger's commercial also implies an unseen, ominous enemy as its appearance causes the sky to turn purple .

35- Starting with orange tones in spring, turning purple then green-bronze and finally bright orange and scarlet in the autumn.

36- Celebrate Chicago's Big Ten Team as Arlington International turns purple and white in this celebration of Northwestern University.

37- And the inland areas that used to be red , are increasingly turning purple from some of the urban population moving.

38- Instead of holding your collective breaths until you turn purple , and stamping your feet and shouting " no no no!

39- The master, throwing his books on the desk, his face turning purple , launched his counter attack on the boys.

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