1- Danielle likes to sit in the hot-tub for relaxation after work on Fridays.

2- We did an informal survey in the class, and found that most people wanted to have the party this Friday.

3- The work wasn't finished at p.

4- m.

5- Friday, so they decided to carry it over to the following Monday.

6- My car broke down this morning and won't be repaired until Friday.

7- darinmexTelephone canvassing is an effective way for us to reach a large number of people before Friday's election.

8- Students in our program do their core classes Monday to Thursday, and their elective classes on Friday.

9- I will have finished this task by next Friday.

10- Autumnal Equinox Day falls on Friday this year.

11- The new museum will be open to the public this coming Friday.

12- The boy was determined to finish his homework Friday evening so that he would have the weekend free.

13- I have been ill in bed since last Friday.

14- Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the tournament on Friday after the last game.

15- See to it that you estimate the losses by Friday at the latest.

16- The guys went to the bar to see the exotic dancers on Friday.

17- The president of the company, to whom I introduced you last Friday, wants to see you again.

18- I really owe you an apology for throwing up on your couch last Friday.

19- I was totally drunk, and didn't know what I was doing.

20- Presuming Ralph and Betty are able to come to the party, we will have six couples here Friday.

21- pretendI work every other day Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

22- I am meeting him next Friday.

23- Can the lawyer see me on Friday?

24- It'll take a lot of time and effort to get the work done before Friday.

25- Our manager has arranged gigs for us around town on every Friday and Saturday night for the next three months.

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