1- I'm getting married to her in June.

2- On June 16, 1456, King Charles VII of France annulled a judgment of heresy against Joan of Arc, 25 years after she had been burnt at the stake.

3- On June 6, 1944, some 2,700 ships carrying 176,000 troops landed in Normandy, France, in the largest seaborne invasion in history.

4- We can deliver the product in June.

5- I was born on June , .

6- In June 1497, when Italian explorer John Cabot landed in North America, fish off the coast of Newfoundland were so plentiful that they slowed the progress of his ship, and could be taken from the sea in baskHe told me that he would go to France in June.

7- They are to be married in June.

8- In June of 1981, Iranian President Bani-Sadr was dismissed by Ayatollah Khomeini.

9- Freight rates between Skagway and Juneau are forty-five cents per pound for one hundred or more pounds.

10- In June 2000, a historic first south-north summit took place between South Korea's President Kim Dae-jung, and North Korea's leader Kim Chong-il.

11- On June 6, 1944, some 2,700 ships carrying 176,000 troops landed in Normandy, France, in the largest seaborne invasion in history.

12- When participants were sought at the end of June all, about , seats were reserved in under a week.

13- The bald eagle was officially adopted as the U.

14- S.

15- national symbol on June 20, 1782.

16- In June 1982, Britain regained control of the Falkland Islands following a two and a half month long war with Argentina.

17- In June of 1989, the U.

18- S.

19- Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty may be imposed for murderers who committed their crimes as young as age 16, and for mentally retarded killers as well.
In June of 1997, Sirhan Sirhan, the man who assassinated presidential candidate Robert Kennedy in 1968, was denied parole for the 10th time.

20- partialIn June 2002, Israel began construction of a 25-foot high concrete wall at a cost of 2.

21- 8 million USD per km and which, when completed, will run over 390 miles inside the West Bank.

22- The accord is expected to be ratified at the next meeting of heads of state in June.

23- In June 2005, finance ministers from the Group of Eight industrialized nations signed a historic deal canceling over $40 billion worth of debt owed by the world's poorest nations.

24- In Japan we have a lot of rain in June.

25- Have you heard the news? Jackie is expecting! The baby is due in June.

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