1- Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures.

2- Priests of the Catholic church have to take a vow of celibacy.

3- Catholic priests must learn to repress their sexual urges because they have to take a vow of celibacy.

4- To filter out gay candidates, he proposed a seven-word requirement: 'Fidelity in marriage and celibacy in singleness.'

5- UK and Ireland Catholic Church in Australia links celibacy to child abuse 12 Dec 2014 NewsMax.

6- Believing that the Second Coming of Christ was in their future, the Harmonists gave up tobacco and advocated celibacy.

7- Bhishma's vow Bhishma means He of the terrible oath, referring to his vow of life-long celibacy.

8- Etymology The English word celibacy derives from the Latin caelebs, meaning "unmarried".

9- Harris never actually joined the Shakers; they advocated celibacy, and Harris was married.

10- He taught celibacy and the rejection of gender categorizations.

11- Lectures on Ethics, p. 163 In this understanding, sexual celibacy may lead to the best, or most moral life.

12- Lowder took up the austerest form of the society's rule of life and so committed himself to celibacy.

13- Many links to Catholic websites with articles on priestly celibacy are also available.

14- Other religions view heterosexuality as being inferior to celibacy.

15- Prior to his ordination he had taken public vows of continence and celibacy, together with his wife.

16- Supporters of clerical celibacy suggest, then, that there is some other factor at work.

17- They did this through strict celibacy, poverty, teaching, and preaching.

18- The Lex Papia Poppaea also explicitly promoted offspring (within lawful marriage), thus also discriminating against celibacy.

19- 125692 The kavadi-bearer observes celibacy and take only pure, Satvik food, once a day, while continuously thinking of God. 33.7295

20- He was never dispensed from the obligation of clerical celibacy and was therefore excommunicated on his marriage to Nancy Gayley in 1965.

21- There is a suggestion that the institution of celibacy has created a "morally superior" status that is easily misapplied by abusive priests.

22- Many previously ignored topics such as compulsory celibacy for the priesthood, birth control, and ecumenicity were discussed without limits.

23- I have already spent the merits of my lifetime of celibacy and austerity in those five arrows, a potency strong enough to end all the five Pandavas.

24- Catholic priests must learn to repress their sexual urges because they have to take a vow of celibacy.

25- Priests of the Catholic church have to take a vow of celibacy.

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