51- In January 1999, rebels stormed Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, killing several thousand civilians.

52- In January of 1956, actress Grace Kelly announced to the press her marriage engagement to Monaco's Prince Ranier III.

53- On January 21, 1908, a law was passed in New York City making it illegal for women to smoke in public.

54- On January 1st, 2002, twelve different European countries began to replace their national currencies with the euro.

55- The unemployment rate dropped to a fiveyear low in January.

56- In January of 1945, Russian soldiers liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp, where the Nazis had murdered 1.

57- 5 million men, women and children.

58- In November of 1992, the government of Czechoslovakia voted to split the country into separate Czech and Slovak republics as of January 1, 1993.

59- On January 28, 1687, a Japanese law was imposed by the Sunayoshi forbidding the killing of animals, and the eating of all fish, shellfish, and birds.

60- The country will be governed by an interim council until elections can be held in late January.

61- In January 2003, Illinois governor George Ryan announced that he had commuted the sentences of all of the state's death row inmates.

62- Belgium, together with 11 of its EU partners, began circulating euro currency in January 2002.

63- In January of 1976, Britain applied for credit of almost 1 billion pounds from the International Monetary Fund.

64- In January 1933, construction began on the Golden Gate Bridge, which stretches across the channel at the entrance to the San Francisco Bay.

65- Tax is payable on all income received between January 1st and December 31st of this year.

66- The British flag was first raised on Hong Kong island in January of 1841.

67- Though it's now January, it's warm like early spring.

68- In the first line of the minutes from yesterday's meeting, the date for our next meeting should be amended to read, "January 21," not "January 12.

69- "In January of 1991, the American-led allied forces launched an attack against Iraqi positions and installations in Iraq and occupied Kuwait.

70- In January of 2002, researchers announced they had implanted spinach genes into a pig, in the hopes of creating pork which has a lower fat content.

71- I've got to take my library books back before January th.

72- The Beatles played their last public gig on the roof of the Abbey Road studio in January 1969.

73- The first settlers from England, including a group of convicts, arrived in Sydney, Australia in January of 1788.

74- In January of 1932, the Japanese army occupied Shanghai, China to force an end to a Chinese boycott of Japanese goods.

75- In January, 2000, legislation passed in Togo stated that any insult to the head of state which is published in the media could incur up to six months' imprisonment and a fine of more than $3,000.

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