26- 1 million, a record amount for Impressionist art.

27- May I see your license?

28- May I introduce myself to you?

29- If left unmonitored, the children May hurt themselves.

30- It has been said that a friend is a person with whom one May be sincere.

31- Before him, one May think aloud.

32- The Mayor's family was harassed with threatening phone calls all day.

33- Mmmmn .

34- .

35- .

36- Maybe I'll have a hair of the dog.

37- Whoa, hold up a mo! Here, I cooked roast fish for this morning.

38- You ought to be able to eat this OK.

39- In May of 1972, the sculpture "La Pieta" by Michelangelo was attacked and seriously damaged by a crazed man.

40- An accident May happen at any time.

41- It May safely be said that he will never succeed in business.

42- When two galaxies collide, one galaxy May be stripped of its gas and dust.

43- This is the first time I've worked as a coordinator, so I May not have the hang of it yet.

44- It May snow in the afternoon.

45- Jim Lukaszewski once noted that a picture May be worth one thousand words, but a good story is worth ten thousand pictures.

46- Chemically burned skin May become red, blistered or blackened, depending on how strong the material is.

47- May I take a rest for a while?

48- They arrived in Osaka at the beginning of May.

49- The English Language Program at the University of Victoria was established in May of 1987.

50- It May help to look at the problem from another angle.

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