26- In that day, gunpowder made from sodium nitrate was easier to keep on dry land than at sea.

27- In the following year, the English used a gunpowder weapon in a military campaign against the Scottish.

28- It was also during the Song period that naval ships were first armed with gunpowder weapons.

29- Late in the siege, Union troops tunneled under the 3rd Louisiana Redan and packed the mine with 2,200 pounds of gunpowder.

30- Martin also started a cannon foundry, introduced a Dutch method of cutting diamonds, made gunpowder and coined rupees.

31- Maxwell used a clockwork mechanism to ignite 12 pounds of gunpowder packed into a box marked "candles."

32- Meanwhile, authorities ordered a second test for gunpowder on Nisman's hands.

33- Miraculously the Zulus only attacked the next morning when the gunpowder was dry again.

34- Msiri wanted gunpowder and removal of Legat, Stairs wanted to fly the CFS flag over Bunkeya.

35- Nobody would keep urea fertilizer and gunpowder unless they wanted to make a bomb.

36- On April 3 Browne, the Governor of Abingdon, was ordered to send fifty barrels of gunpowder to Rainsborough.

37- Penelope Freeman, daughter of Robert Freeman, M.D., of Uxbridge In 1605 the gunpowder Plot was uncovered.

38- Poirot convinces Simon that his hands could be tested for grains of gunpowder removed with wax.

39- Rochester Castle became less effective after the invention of gunpowder because the walls could have been easily destroyed.

40- She is invoked against thunder and lightning and all accidents arising from explosions of gunpowder.

41- Smith left Virginia for England in October 1609, never to return, because of an injury sustained in a gunpowder accident.

42- Sometimes taller buildings were levelled to the ground quickly and effectively by means of controlled gunpowder explosions.

43- The British commander surrendered the fort, capturing 6 tons of gunpowder and 83 men.

44- The earliest known formula for gunpowder can be found in a Chinese work dating probably from the 800s.

45- The gallery was filled with 8,000 pounds of gunpowder, buried feet (0 m) underneath the Confederate works.

46- The next scene shows the siege of Kazan, in which Ivan's army digs saps underneath the city and fills them with gunpowder.

47- The plant was located on what is now known as gunpowder Point, currently the home of the Chula Vista Nature Center.

48- Tom sees a big explosion of the gunpowder can is imminent, but cannot escape it in time.

49- Unknown to Arnold, however, at least one of the ships he was to burn contained a large quantity of gunpowder.

50- There he requested food and ammunition; a Spanish officer said "he had enough gunpowder and cannonballs for me".

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