76- I enjoyed watching soccer last night.

77- The greatest number of documented goals scored by a professional soccer player is 1,281 by Brazilian star Pelé.

78- He is an excellent soccer player but is injury-prone and often has to miss games.

79- If you click on the picture of the ball, you'll see the latest pictures from the soccer tournament.

80- I like such sports as soccer and rugby.

81- I am fond of soccer, rugby, football, and so on.

82- He is a soccer player.

83- He likes playing soccer.

84- A regulation soccer ball has 32 leather panels on it.

85- panicThe children played soccer with the teachers at recess today.

86- The whole country was excited when the national team won the World Cup of soccer.

87- It's the soccer match tomorrow.

88- Thousands of people spontaneously poured into the streets of the capital to celebrate after the victory of the national soccer team in the World Cup.

89- Find someone who has played in a soccer match.

90- mateHe will play soccer tomorrow.

91- EldadWhen he was young, he sometimes played soccer.

92- He twisted his ankle playing soccer, and couldn't walk for a couple of days.

93- soccer is Chile's most popular sport, and stadiums are crowded during important matches.

94- The loss by the Japanese team in the quarter finals was a disaster for the national soccer program.

95- Let's put together a prosoccer team for Nagasaki!Small town soccer teams in Costa Rica often arrange matches by challenging other teams over the radio.

96- They became professional soccer players.

97- John is a terrible soccer player.

98- Compared to him, I look like Pelé.

99- Unprecedented in Asia, Korea has qualified for the World Cup of soccer an impressive six times.

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